• Stonehenge apartment building in North Bergen NJ.

    The Stonehenge Incidents

    By Michael Brown
    Contributor to Normal Paranormal

    The “Stonehenge incidents” were a group of UFO sightings that took place in and around the Stonehenge apartment building in January 1975 in North Hudson Park, located in North Bergen, New Jersey.

    Strange lights in the sky, as well as a structured craft, were seen by multiple witnesses, the most notable being George O’Barski. George reported seeing a round craft approximately six feet tall and ringed with rectangular windows, which emitted multiple colored lights and made a low droning sound that he likened to a refrigerator starting up.

    O’Barski observed the craft land in the park adjacent to the baseball field as nine to eleven small figures exited the craft. The figures were about three and a half feet tall in size. O’Barski thought the figures were simply children that wore helmets, gloves, and a dark-colored uniform. But each of the figures carried a small bag and a spoon or shovel that they used to collect soil samples from the park in the area where the craft had landed.

    After several minutes, a ramp opened up below the craft and the small figures used this to re-enter it. The craft then took off heading north towards the park’s lake area.