• Three people walking on snow.
    Contributed Articles,  Research,  Spirituality

    The Third Man Factor

    The phenomenon known as “the third man factor” is truly remarkable. And its bizarre occurrence seems to parallel what my good friend Maxim W. Furek chronicled in his book Sheppton: The Myth, Miracle & Music. After I passed this along to him, he was inspired to dive deeper and write something that I think you will find just as fascinating. –Justin

    Person standing in front of trees in a foggy environment.
    Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

    Davey Fellin and The Third Man Factor

    By Maxim W. Furek
    Contributor to Normal Paranormal

    In 1963, the entire world was gripped by the human drama unfolding in a  remote Pennsylvania coal mine.

    After being rescued from the Sheppton mine, Davey Fellin testified that Pope John XXIII was with him and Hank Throne during their two-week ordeal. But what the miners saw has been at the center of ongoing controversy. The Pope’s specter has been alternately described as both a miracle, as attested to by Vatican scholars, as well as a collective hallucination.

    But could there be other theories to explain the Pope’s ghostly visitation, and, if so, what might those look like?