Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Investigations
The newest episode of the Terra Signals podcast titled “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Investigations” features Marsha Barnhart and Paul Carr from the Aerial Phenomenon Investigations team (API).
API is a volunteer research organization for the scientific investigation of UAP or UFOs. Even though they have a skeptical bent, the current leadership is much more open than in years past and never sets out to debunk or belittle witnesses. In fact, API treats all witnesses with the utmost respect and confidentiality in all of their cases.
Considering that I have reached out to Marsha and Paul in the past to collaborate on cases and referred individuals to file a report, I thought they might make excellent guests for a Terra Signals episode. People often think of MUFON or NUFORC but sometimes aren’t aware that excellent independent researchers and smaller organizations also exist in this field. And I believe Marsha and Paul are some of the best investigators we have today.
But don’t take my word for it. The two of them talk about some of their more notable cases and methodology in the latest episode of Terra Signals. Listen to it on Spotify, or search for Terra Signals through your favorite podcast platform.
Here are some of the supporting images that accompany their interview…
Witness Photo (Case #12-045, North Port, FL)
Case report #12-045 includes a strange photo of a possible entity. After feeling an unusual weight on the bed that wasn’t her dog, the witness grabbed her cell phone and quickly snapped what appeared to be a picture of an alien entity under the blanket. The next thing the witness remembered was waking up in her living room without any recollection of how she got there. API’s previous director curiously dismissed this case as a possible hoax in his initial case assessment, but Marsha, the actual investigator of the case, strongly opposes that assessment. Find out why in the full Terra Signals interview.

Witness Sketch & Analysis (Case #12-058, Ocean City, MD)
Case report #12-058 features possible trace evidence. A witness was startled to discover a foreign object like a wire sticking out of his arm when he awoke from a vivid “dream” with this strange “troll-looking creature.” That night, the witness put the foreign object in a plastic baggie and placed it on his nightstand under his wallet.

But the next day, when the witness awoke and checked the baggie, the object was gone. Further investigation demonstrated that the object may have burned its way out of the corner of the baggie. Listen to Paul’s analysis in the full Terra Signals interview.

Witness Drawing (Case #20-045, Louisville, KY)
Case report #20-045 includes this detailed drawing of what two witnesses observed one night—a flying saucer gliding along and hovering over a populated area before shooting up into the sky with incredible acceleration. Listen to Marsha’s detailed analysis in the full Terra Signals interview.

Witness Video (Case #20-030, Ohio)
Case report #20-030 includes an incredible sighting captured on video, which Paul thinks is one of the more compelling pieces of UFO footage they’ve received. Here are Analysis Video 1 and Analysis Video 2, which Paul supplied to accompany his more thorough commentary in the full Terra Signals interview.

You can read most of the redacted case reports on the API website. But for the complete audio interview, I conducted with Marsha Barnhart and Paul Carr, you can listen to it on Spotify or search for Terra Signals through your favorite podcast platform. And please subscribe to the show and tell your friends so I can produce more of these!
Paul Carr will also present at this year’s Mysteries of Space and Sky conference. Tell him that Terra Signals sent you!