MUFON Philadelphia Conference 2017
Each October there’s a UFO conference held in Langhorne, PA (a suburb of Philadelphia) known as the Philly MUFON Conference. This year marks the 10th anniversary, many of which I’ve been attending for several years now. Here are all the details…
FRIDAY, OCT. 27th from 4:30 pm to 9:00 pm
The conference is held at the Sheraton Bucks County Hotel (across the street from Sesame Place), located on 400 Oxford Valley Road in Langhorne, Pennsylvania.
- BILL WEBER & DAN MEDLEYCOTT — MUFON Case 47,000…A Mid-air Collision??
(I met Bill at the MUFON Symposium in 2014 and he told me about a new case he was working on at the time that involved a near collision with an unidentified object and an airliner over the skies by Allentown, Pennsylvania. This is that case.) - FRED SALUGA — Conspiracies
(Fred is the state director for both West Virginia and Pennsylvania MUFON at the moment, so I’m sure he has some interesting stories to share related to conspiracies.) - BEN MOSS, TONY ANGIOLA, RAY STANFORD — Socorro, NM Close Encounter Case
(Ben and Tony lectured at another event I attended to discuss this case and their findings, which are very intriguing. The Socorro incident centers around police officer Lonnie Zamora, who came face to face with a couple of strange beings and their craft out in the New Mexico desert in 1964. The event was originally investigated by Ray Stanford along with the late J. Allen Hynek.)
SATURDAY, OCT. 28th from 4:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Day two of the conference is also held at the Sheraton Bucks County Hotel (across the street from Sesame Place), located on 400 Oxford Valley Road in Langhorne, Pennsylvania.
- LARRY ARNOLD — Spontaneous Human Combustion
(There are these rare, yet strange cases of people suddenly bursting into flames or a self-contained burn until they are left as a pile of ash. It’s one of the more disturbing aspects of Fortean phenomena and certainly one of the more puzzling. Larry is the renowned expert on SHC and has plenty of cases to share. This presentation is not for the faint of heart. I saw him lecture on it several years ago, and if you can stomach it, there are some truly peculiar angles to the mystery that both paranormal and UFO investigators should take note of.) - STEPHEN MERA — The Phenomena Project
(Although I’m not familiar with Mera nor what he is lecturing about, I’ve heard that he is involved with numerous paranormal and UFO projects. Should be interesting!) - LUNCH
- COL. CHARLES HALT — The Rendlesham Incident
(Col. Halt was the deputy base commander when strange lights appeared over three nights in December 1980. The incident affected numerous soldiers stationed on the joint RAF/US Bentwaters airbase in England where the event took place. Halt saw a UFO directing a beam of light down to the ground right in front of his feet and he recorded the whole thing on audio cassette.) - TRAVIS WALTON — Fire in the Sky
(Most people know about Travis’ experiences as an abductee, taken on board by the entities and subjected to various events, which left him missing for a number of days in 1975. He’ll be discussing that along with his new documentary, TRAVIS, which he is also in town for to promote.) - DINNER
- TOM CAREY — Roswell at 70
(Tom will present on all the evidence he’s amassed over the past 26 years of research into the infamous Roswell case from 1947. His research includes interviewing over 600 first and second-hand witnesses, two archaeological “digs” at the main crash site, and the search for surviving documents in reference to the crash.)
The price varies depending on whether you go for two days or one, stay for the dinner on Saturday or not. For more info, here’s the link to purchase tickets. Think you might be attending? Let me know!
*I did not get paid or compensated by the event organizers for writing this article. Just passing along the info to get more of you interested in attending events like this. Some of the information contained at conferences are things you just cannot read about online or even in books.
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