Creepy Calls from a Strange Entity
The telephone seems to be a popular device to high strangeness. I’ve heard reports of conversations with the dead to correspondences with life forms from another time, or even another dimension. Telemarketing tactics aside, there are quite a few reports of these creepy calls, which might suggest that something out there is attempting to use our telecommunication systems to make contact with us.
In 1993, Gary was an Air Force captain assigned to medical pharmacy work in San Antonio, TX. In February of that same year, he planned an unannounced, surprise trip to visit friends and family in Long Island, NY.
Even though he didn’t tell anyone about his trip prior to departure, it seems that someone or something else already knew…
At his parents’ house in New York, Gary placed a call to his longtime friend, Mike. But Mike relayed how he had already spoken with Gary by phone the day before, describing how Gary had just flown in through LaGuardia airport (although Gary had actually come in through JFK), along with the impression that he was coming down with a cold (even though Gary was perfectly healthy at the time).
As a result, Mike decided not to hang out with him, which left Gary quite confused. As the two of them conversed, another call came in through call waiting.
With his parents still present in the room, Gary picked up the other line and a deep, mechanical voice greeted him with some bizarre dialogue. Instinctively for whatever reason, Gary pressed record on the nearby answering machine in an attempt to document it.
Here is the recording and transcript of the call he received that night…
Call #1 – Monday, Feb. 08, 1993, 10:30 pm
Duration: 3 minutes, 46 seconds
GARY: I’ll tell you who it is.
VOICE: Hello?
GARY: Yeah. Do you want to speak to him?
VOICE: Is Gary Sud–Sudbrink there?
GARY: Yeah, who’s this? Steven? Are you playing games with me or what?
GARY: Huh? Steven if you’re playing games here, I’m going to kick your ass.
VOICE: So how long are you going to be back from Texas?
GARY: Huh?
VOICE: You’re being impersonated by the other voice.
GARY: Yeah this is you Steven—you idiot. You’re pissing me off. Jerk. I’m gonna get you on…let’s see what it says. Review. One new call. Out of area? Is Steven out of the area?
VOICE (interrupts): How long are you going to be back from Texas?
GARY: Wait, say that again.
VOICE: You’re being impersonated by the other voice.
GARY: Wait, hold on. Is Steven out of the calling area or what?
MOM: How do I know?
GARY: What do you mean, you don’t know? He’s in Queens.
DAD: Well who are you talking to?
GARY: I don’t know who the f*** I’m talking to…
VOICE (interrupts): Hello?
MOM: Hello?
VOICE: Is Gary Sud–Sudbrink there?
MOM: Who is this?
GARY (in
MOM: Somebody sounds like a robot.
GARY: Hello?
VOICE: How long are you going to be back from Texas?
GARY: What was that again, sir?
VOICE: You’re being impersonated by the other voice.
GARY (to family): Oh be quiet—else, eh? Sorry, will you say that again?
GARY: Hello? I’m being impersonated by what voice?
VOICE: Hello?
GARY: Yeah. Hello?
VOICE: Is Gary Sud–Sudbrink there?
GARY: Yeah, hold on a second.
MOM: Who is that?
GARY: It’s Steven. Okay.
DAD (in background): …a strange voice.
VOICE: So how long are you going to be back from Texas?
GARY: How long–
VOICE (interrupts): You’re being impersonated by the other voice.
GARY: Right. When am I coming back? Is that your question?
VOICE (quieter voice): Sudbrink there?
DAD (in background): What’s a matter with you?
GARY: Okay there was a break, hold on. You wanna know when I’m coming back to Texas. Uh, is that your question?
VOICE: So how long are you going to be back from Texas?
GARY: How long am I going to be back from Texas…
VOICE (interrupts): You’re being impersonated by the other voice.
GARY (talking overtop): …that question doesn’t even make any sense.
GARY: Okay. I’ll be coming back eventually. Um…I can’t tell you when. You should know that question—the answer to the question because you seem to know more about me than I do. You know what I’m saying?
DAD: Are you a…intergalactic…uh…person?
GARY: Are you a space alien?
DAD: Sounds like he hung up.
GARY: I can’t believe this.
DAD: It’s—he hung up Gary.
GARY: See if he comes back.
DAD: Alright, I’ll hang up.
(**Dial tone.**)
GARY: Jesus Christ. Oh my God man. I’m calling Mike back.
(**Two beeps on the dial pad.**)
Gary has two brothers. Steven is one year older and Brian is five years younger. At the moment he received the first call, Gary thought it was Steven playing a prank on him. Steven was not known to be a prankster, yet there was a separate strange occurrence, which happened to involve both Steven and Gary a few years prior to the strange phone call.
While en route to a wedding (also in Long Island) Steven saw Gary drive up alongside him, make some weird faces to get his attention, and then just simply drive off.
Even though Gary was in Long Island at that time, he didn’t have a car to drive, let alone the make and model he was apparently spotted in—the same exact one that had been parked at Gary’s residence in San Antonio!
Let’s return to the night of the strange phone calls in 1993. A few minutes after the first one came in, the phone rang a second time. And, Gary pressed the record button soon after he recognized that same eerie voice…
Call #2 – Monday, Feb. 08, 1993, 11:10 pm
Duration: 3 minutes, 40 seconds
GARY: What is your question?
(**Unidentified beep**—From telephone or answering machine?)
GARY: Yes, uh speaking.
VOICE: Is this Gary Sudbrink?
GARY: Yes.
GARY: Could I answer any questions for you?
VOICE: Are you back from Texas–ss?
GARY: I’m not back yet. No.
VOICE: How long are you going to be back from Texas?
GARY: Let me answer…first you tell me—where are you calling from?
VOICE: Is this Gary Sudbrink?
GARY: Yeah. Why don’t you tell me where you’re calling from?
VOICE: Who is this?
GARY: What do you mean who is this? You should know who it is. It’s me, Gary.
GARY: Uhhh… Wait, let me…let me ask you this question. Where are you calling from?
GARY: Okay, I’ll be back—
VOICE (interrupts): Keep an eye on the skies.
GARY: Excuse me?
VOICE: Near Orion.
GARY: I can’t hear too well.
VOICE: The full moon.
GARY: Yeah there’s a full moon out, that’s true.
(**Sound of someone hanging up on the other line.**)
GARY: Could you identify yourself?
GARY: Identify yourself.
DAD: Ask him what’s the purpose of the call.
GARY: Why are you calling me?
VOICE (interrupts): Keep an eye on the skies.
GARY: Excuse me?
VOICE: Near Orion.
GARY: I cannot hear too well.
DAD: Get on the other phone, it’s better.
GARY: Hold on, let me switch phones.
(**Sound of other phone being picked up.**)
GARY: Okay. Okay hold on. Now who are you?
VOICE: Keep an eye on the skies.
GARY: Keep an eye on the sky he said.
DAD: Keep an eye on the sky?
GARY: Yeah.
VOICE: Orion.
DAD: Ask him can I talk to him–
GARY: …shhh…shhh…
DAD: I had a sighting already–
GARY: …okay, hold on. Say that…repeat that again?
GARY: Please repeat?
VOICE: Keep an eye on the skies.
GARY: Okay.
VOICE: Near Orion.
GARY: Near Orion.
DAD: Holy Mackerel. Tonight or this a when—
VOICE (interrupts): The full moon.
GARY: The full moon.
DAD (in
VOICE: Show double of you.
DAD (in
GARY: Repeat?
DAD: Tell him I’d like to talk to him.
GARY: Okay…repeat…repeat last word?
(**Static on the telephone line.**)
GARY: I’m hearing static.
DAD: Tell him I’d like to talk to him.
(**Sound of caller disconnecting.**)
GARY: He hung up.
DAD: He hung up?
GARY: Hello?
As if those two calls weren’t enough, the strange caller phoned back a third time that same night…
Call #3 – Monday, Feb. 08, 1993, 11:38 pm
Duration: 3 minutes, 33 seconds
GARY: Okay. Yeah, it’s taking time for him to talk. Who is this?
(**Sound of someone picking up the other line.**)
GARY: Steven, I’m gonna—this is not funny you know.
VOICE (barely audible): Who is this?
DAD: Brian, it’s not Steven.
GARY: What do you mean Brian?
DAD: I mean, uh…Gary.
GARY: How do I know it’s not Steven?
DAD: It’s not Steven.
DAD: Hello? I had a, uh…UFO experience in West Virginia, which you probably know. And I know that you’re inter…uh…an intergalactic person.
VOICE (…very low, unintelligible…possibly “Who is this?”)
DAD: Can you speak a little louder? Sir? Can you speak a little louder?
VOICE: (even lower…unintelligible…)
DAD: Louder?
GARY: Let me speak to him, Dad. I
DAD: Okay I’ll hang up so you can talk to him. He wants to talk to you.
GARY: Okay.
(**Sound of the other line hanging up.**)
GARY: Hello? Can I help you?
VOICE (louder than before): Hello?
GARY: Yes.
VOICE: Is Gary Sudbrink there?
GARY: Yes, that’s me.
VOICE (fainter again): Here is Gary Sudbrink.
GARY: Yes, could you please identify yourself?
GARY: Identify—
VOICE (faint, interrupts): Are you back from Texas–ss?
GARY: Yeah I’m back. I’m in Texas right now.
(**Sound of Gary’s dad in the background.**)
GARY: Well, he asked me a question.
VOICE: (very low…unintelligible…possibly “How are long are you?”)
GARY: No I’m in New York right now. You know that. Why are you asking me such a question?
DAD (in background): …Assuming he’s going to call back three times in a row, what are you going to do?
VOICE: Is this Gary Sudbrink?
GARY: Yes. Steven if this is you, I’m…I swear to God I’m gonna be pissed.
(**Sound of Gary’s dad in the background.**)
VOICE: Who is this?
GARY: Huh?
(**Static on the line.**)
DAD (in
GARY: I’m trying to listen to him. Who are…excuse me?
DAD (in
MOM (in
(**Intense static on the line.**)
GARY: Okay. Eventually I’ll be back from Texas. Could you speak more? Please speak more.
(**Intense static on the line.**)
VOICE (barely audible): …eye on the skies…
GARY: I guess it’s not Steven. I believe it because I’m getting static.
DAD: Steven would not leave three times.
GARY: Let…let me go on this phone because I could never hear on this phone. Hold on.
(**Sound of the other telephone line picked up, followed by a quick beep.**)
GARY: Okay. Okay, please speak. Hello?
VOICE (louder than before, but still soft): Keep an eye on the skies.
(**Sound of writing or scratching, followed by another quick beep.**)
GARY: Okay, should I go out right now?
VOICE (interrupts): Orion.
GARY: Right now?
VOICE: The full moon.
GARY: Okay, see…I’m not sure where Orion is now, but we’ll go outside.
VOICE: Show double from you.
GARY: It will show double from me?
(**Static on the line.**)
GARY: Repeat that again?
(**Static on the line.**)
(**Caller hangs up.**)
(**Gary hangs up.**)
So, that was presumably the end of the mysterious phone calls. At least on that specific night. But the following evening, the mysterious caller returned. Although Gary’s mother was not present for th fourth one, both Gary’s father and his Uncle Tom were.
But between Gary’s father and uncle, they both had a UFO sighting together, unlike Gary, who to my knowledge has not.
Here is the audio of that fourth and final call along with its accompanying transcript…
Call #4 – Tuesday, Feb. 09, 1993, 10:21 pm
(Duration: 3 minutes, 55 seconds)
VOICE (with more reverb and echo): Is Gary Sudbrink there?
GARY: Yes, this is me. Can I speak to…can I ask why—
VOICE: Is Gary Sudbrink there?
GARY: Yes, can I ask why you’re calling?
(**Static on the line.**)
GARY: Can I please ask—
VOICE: Is this Gary Sudbrink?
GARY: Yes, this is.
VOICE: Gary Sudbrink.
GARY: Yes, that is me.
(**Static on the line.**)
VOICE: We come. To be within this planet.
GARY: Say that again?
VOICE: In this planet.
GARY: Leave?
(**Unknown sounds.**)
VOICE: We come.
GARY: I’m standing right here.
VOICE: To be within this planet.
GARY: Is this a joke or what?
(**A whirring sound on the line.**)
VOICE: To visit the many. To be contacted. As the same. With you.
(**Sound of door being shut in the background.**)
GARY: Umm…
(**Static and whirring sound on the line.**)
GARY: I have to think about that. I’d like to see you—
VOICE (interrupts): To visit the many. To be contacted. As the same. With you.
UNCLE: Hey, let me tell you something. I’ve been listening to you. And I’ve had contacts with you.
VOICE: Beware. Government interference.
GARY: Government interference?
(**Static on the line.**)
VOICE (faint): You—
GARY: You have? Please explain what type of interference.
(*Whirring sound on the line.**)
VOICE: Beware.
GARY: Okay.
VOICE: Government interference. Visitations to be disrupted by them.
(**Strange unidentified sound on the line.**)
VOICE: (…unintelligible, faint…) …appears. The sun will rise on…dark side of
UNCLE: The sun will rise…
VOICE: (…unintelligible…)
UNCLE: ..on the dark side of the moon?
GARY: Okay, umm…
VOICE (very low…unintelligible…maybe “on the moon”)
GARY: What branch of the government?
(**Intense static on the line.**)
VOICE (very low): Show double from you.
(**Intense static on the line.**)
GARY: What uhh…what should I do?
(**Intense static on the line.**)
VOICE: Beware. Government interference. Visitations to be disrupted by them.
GARY: Okay. Is that good for me or bad?
(**Caller disconnects the call.**)
GARY: They hung up.
Dad (in
UNCLE: Yes. Uh.
The argument could be made that
In other words, it could be that there was no intelligence behind the voice and that it was merely a recording played on a loop. However, when I listened carefully to some of the calls, there seem to be times when the patterns of the responses appear exactly the same, but at other times they differ slightly.
Regarding the particular tone and style of the calls themselves, I counted 17 instances of the voice in the first call, 16 instances in the second, 15 in the third, then back up to 17 again in the fourth and final call on the second night.
It’s almost as if the caller seems to “lose energy” as the calls progress throughout that first night since the audible volume becomes noticeably quieter. I find it interesting how those who come face-to-face with apparent Men in Black (MIB) type entities describe a similar characteristic in their speech patterns.
The other thing worth noting is how mechanical the voice itself is. This also matches up with the reports of encounters with MIB too. People often report those entities as very mechanical or robotic, leading some to consider if they are intelligent entities at all, or just drones of some sort, perhaps under control by another unseen presence.
For additional analysis into these bizarre phone calls (and others like it), please consider reading my book, “The Spectrum,” now available on Amazon.

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