Hillary Clinton on UFOs
A recent interview with Jimmy Kimmel shows that Hillary Clinton’s interest in UFOs are still a priority. Plus, she mentions the term “UAP,” which actually shows she’s already educated on the topic. (Thank you John Podesta.)
The term UAP or “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” is something that former UFO investigator for the Ministry of Defence, Nick Pope, has referred to in the past. Apparently, it was a sneaky tactic that was employed in order to get around FOIA requests regarding the term “UFOs.”
Also, take note of her response to former president Bill’s previous inquiry into the subject, which Kimmel had also asked him directly about in the past…
Hillary is certainly no stranger to the UFO field, as she has previously had meetings with Laurence Rockefeller, plus her campaign chairman is John Podesta—an outspoken supporter of disclosure.
But are these just more empty promises from a presidential hopeful, or do they represent something truly promising? Only time will tell. But it’s certainly not the first time someone influential has been put in the UFO “hot seat” by the late night host.