The Blondes, the Ghosts, the MIB, and Me
Recently, I sat down for a “fireside chat” with Sara and Deedee from Paranormally Blonde to talk about all things high strangeness, including ghosts, UFOs, MIB, and more. Watch my video interview with them here…

What is interesting about this interview is one of the viewer comments at the very start of the show. Taryn Kerper, the host of The Paranormal Brew, wrote that after her last interview with me, she saw something that looked like an entity straight out of the show American Horror Story.
Afterward, I reached out to Taryn to get more details on what she encountered. Here is what she wrote to me…
“September Myrtle Beach SC- we rented a vacation home for the week. It was our third day there. I was in vacation mode so I wasn’t even thinking about anything to do with work or paranormal or anything. ( we all need those breaks)
“The house is a two story house that sits on stilts that you can see the ocean from. Open layout set up. My boyfriend and I were in the kitchen getting some drinks together to go down to the beach and it was around noon. From where we were standing I was facing the dining area and could see into the living room. I looked toward the living room and all the sudden I see this very dark figure in the shape of a human (almost as if it had a full body black pleather suit on) but all I saw was the side then the back half of the body because it was “walking” into the living room space but the front part of it was already blocked by a wall. There was a yellow glow that outlined the black. ( It reminded me of the black suited man in American Horror Story first season.) It was not transparent, there was nothing I could see through this thing.
The whole time this was happening , I couldn’t hear ANYTHING. I saw our dog walking out of the room from where the black figure went into , and on the hard floor – didn’t even hear him walking into the kitchen to where we were- and that was instant. As soon as this black figure was out of my eyesight as it went into the living room area, the dog was coming out . As soon as the dog got to me… I could hear again and I instantly looked at my boyfriend and asked” did you see that ???? Did you see that thing?” He did not unfortunately and the dog seemed unphased by anything. I didn’t realize I couldn’t hear until I could hear again. I would say it lasted MAYBE 3- 5 seconds.
“Now mind you I’m no psychic or medium and normally do not have the ability to “feel” any presence , but when we first got there ( 3 days prior to this event that took place) I did get the feeling of being watched. After this- that feeling went away.”

Taryn elaborated on the glow in a follow-up email, stating that it wasn’t a shiny glow per se but more like a very thin yellow outline of its overall shape. Yet she mentioned it being one of the most bizarre occurrences she had ever experienced.
It’s interesting because I had given the hosts of Paranormally Blonde a similar word of caution after the interview—always to keep your eyes peeled for high strangeness that could ensue later on.
You see, I’m often asked if I’ve ever had a personal MIB encounter myself. Although I’ve certainly had some bizarre interactions with some seriously strange people, none of them would be strong enough for what I consider a definitive experience with MIB.
It seems to happen to those who interact with me instead.
Did you enjoy this article? Then please check out my book The Spectrum, which looks at a wide array of phenomena, including an in-depth analysis of the real Men in Black, the hitchhiker effect, doppelganger reports, ghostly encounters, and more.

And, be sure to follow Normal Paranormal on Twitter for the latest in high strangeness and otherworldly topics.