The 2017 Greater New England UFO Conference
This past weekend at the Para-X Behind the Veil 2 paranormal conference went quite well. The audience was receptive, even if the microphone kept cutting out when I gave my talk on “Perceptions and Deceptions in the Overall Experience.” I met a lot of cool people, including one that came all the way from Massachusetts! At my otherwise bare table, I had some literature spread out regarding well-known abductee Travis Walton and his most recent documentary, “Travis,” which reminded me of a fantastic conference held this weekend up north—the Greater New England UFO Conference.
Here are all the details you need to know about it…
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6th from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
The first day of the conference is held at the Leominster City Hall Auditorium, located on 25 West Street in Leominster, Massachusetts.
- NICK REDFERN — Women in Black
(Redfern is an incredible researcher and I reference him throughout my own presentations and even in my upcoming book. He’s one of the few people that are still researching cases of MIB and WIB today. Thank goodness!) - ALEKSANDAR PETAKOV — TBD
(Unfortunately, I haven’t heard of Mr. Petakov before this event nor have any idea of what he’ll be lecturing about.) - PAUL & BEN ENO — The Fur Flies! Bigfoot & UFOs!
(Surprisingly, not a lot of people that I talk with know about the apparent connection between those well-known aerial acrobats and everybody’s favorite cryptid. Paul Eno is also a hugely important investigator that has written on a wide variety of paranormal topics and theories. Ben is his son, who is following in dad’s footsteps.) - PANEL DISCUSSION — with all cryptozoology speakers
(These group Q+As are always great, because it allows you, the attendee the opportunity to ask questions directly!)
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7th from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
The second day of the conference is still held at the Leominster City Hall Auditorium, located on 25 West Street in Leominster, Massachusetts. Peter Robbins is the emcee and well-known abductee Betty Andreasson Luca will also be in attendance.
- TRAVIS WALTON — Attacks on my Experience and the Phenomena in General by Skeptics/Debunkers and How their Case Crumbles upon Critical Examination
(Wow, what a mouthful of a title. But an interesting speaker nevertheless. Walton will probably bring up the Philip Klass issue as one such example. If he doesn’t, be sure to ask him about the government documentation he uncovered in regards to this infamous debunker.) - CAROLYN LAROCQUE — Solar Mysteries & UFOs
(I’ve never heard of Ms. Larocque, but the topic sounds intriguing.) - PAUL ENO — What are Aliens: the OTHER Possibilities?
(All I have to say here is YES! I have a general idea of what this might be about, but Eno’s take on it will no doubt blow your mind, if his previous experiences are any indication.) UPDATE 10/3: The title of this talk has apparently changed to “UFOs, the Paranormal and God,” equally as fascinating. Perhaps it will cover the same subject. - LUNCH LECTURE — with Travis Walton
(A part two with Walton? You can’t beat that.) - MARC D’ANTONIO — Photo & Video Anomalies, Real vs. Fake
(Marc is the chief photo and video analyst for MUFON. I’ve heard him lecture before. This guy knows how to spot virtually anything in every form of media. Including the classified government projects he’s also aware of, but can’t reveal that he works on as part of his day job. He told a MUFON audience one time that sometimes he recognizes these classified projects in the photographs that witnesses present, so he just gives MUFON investigators a general indication that what they caught isn’t what they think it is and let’s it go at that. This also means he’s privy to some otherwise very sensitive info too. Like the recent article in which he talked about USOs being picked up by Navy submarine personnel.) - NICK REDFERN — Shapeshifters
(Encore presentation from Redfern, the event’s keynote speaker? Yes! And on shapeshifting beings? Double yes!) - PANEL DISCUSSION — with Nick Redfern, Bill Hall, Paul & Ben Eno, Travis Walton, Mike Stevens, Charles Creteau, Marc D’Antonio and Peter Robbins.
(Again, a great opportunity to ask questions and get answers from a vast group with a wide array of expertise.)
The price for this conference is very reasonable too. $10 for day one / $25 for day two. For more info, here’s the link. Think you might be attending? Let me know!
*I did not get paid or compensated by the event organizers for writing this article. Just passing along the info to get more of you interested in attending events like this. Some of the information contained at conferences are things you just cannot read about online or even in books.
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