• Ufology

    The UK’s Most Spectacular UFO Photo

    There was a recent article posted by Alejandro Rojas to the Open Minds website recently. It details a long, lost photograph of a diamond-shaped, metallic UFO that the Ministry of Defence (MoD) regarded as “the real deal.”

    Here is a recreation of that photograph, along with the story to go with it…

    Calvine Scotland MoD Photo

    Nick Pope, the head of the UFO inquiries division at the MoD at the time, revealed that the stock answer to an impressive sighting like this was “I don’t know what it is, but it’s not one of ours’.” This brings up a rather interesting debate about the whole conspiratorial aspect that UFO buffs often resort to—The government is covering it all up! Are they? Or are they just as clueless as we are when it comes to this phenomenon?

    Maybe that really is a reason to ignore it, cover their eyes and hope that it all just goes away like a bad dream. Especially if we can’t stop or control the phenomenon, which sounds more like a nightmare.

    So what happened to the poster? What about copies of the original photographs? Someone out there might still have them. Is it you? Let’s talk.

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  • Silhouette of a man in the woods.
    Conferences,  Events,  Presentations

    Stepping Out into the Darkness Alone

    Last year around this time I was preparing to do my very first public speaking engagement with Rosalyn Bown, which was titled “Myths and Misconceptions in Paranormal & UFO Research.” Our talk was very well-received, so we were invited to do a follow-up right after it; a part two of sorts that we called, “Similarities in Paranormal & UFO Research.

    The whole idea between our two back to back lectures was to draw people, who might only be interested in one field, to look at the other field as well. A lot of times, paranormal people and UFO enthusiasts stay rather confined within their respective walls, never bothering to consider the commonalities and similarities between each.

    There’s actually quite a bit of crossover from one subject into the next, but a number of investigators and researchers alike tend to disregard that if it doesn’t fit into the framework of their own expertise. I can hardly blame them, as the enigma of the phenomenon is strange enough to simply consider just one aspect of it.

    Well, as a result of my ongoing ramblings here and there, I’ve been invited to speak again. But this time, it’s on my own. *gasp*

  • Conferences,  Metaphysics,  Parapsychology,  Presentations,  Ufology

    Fortfest 2017

    I received an email from Sue Swiatek, the state director of MUFON Virginia, about an upcoming conference in the Maryland area she organizes annually called “Fortfest.” I didn’t get a chance to attend last year’s but from what I heard it had a fantastic lineup. This year Fortfest also has some impressive speakers—some of which I’ve heard of, but have never seen lecture before.

  • Parapsychology

    An Impersonation for Good

    The late Martin Caidin was an author of numerous books including “Ghosts in the Air” which chronicles various paranormal occurrences in air space and within the airplanes themselves. On October 22, 1995 Caidin gave an interview on Dreamland with Art Bell, a well-known radio program that some of you may be familiar with. (Today, it is hosted by Whitley Strieber.)

    In that particular conversation, Caidin detailed such a supernatural event that may have saved his life, along with the lives of two other pilots.

  • Commentary,  Conferences,  Education,  Events,  Presentations

    An Unknown in the Audience

    In October of 2016, I conducted my first public lecture at a small metaphysical shop in Burlington, NJ called On Angel’s Wings. It was a joint Halloween presentation with my good friend Rosalyn Bown. She had been pushing me to do the lecture circuit for quite some time now, so of course, I naturally resisted, assuming my anxiety would get the better of me. And in the days leading up to the event, it was certainly brimming to the top.

    But on the day of our talk, a sense of calm ensued that helped me to relax and enjoy the ninety minute conversation with a packed house that had come to hear us. It helped to have the environment resemble my living room, which reminded me of the monthly meet-ups I hold at my house for a select few to gather and talk about this sort of thing.

    Overall the crowd was quite engaged during the entire talk, which was surprising to at least. Usually at other UFO conferences I’ve been to, at least half the crowd is dozing off or just looking uninterested. (And only one person fell asleep on us so I consider that a win; ha!)

  • Ufology

    Alien Hybrids Hidden Under Baghdad University?

    I want to share with you a harrowing account involving possible human-alien hybrids located underneath a university in Baghdad, Iraq in 2003. I think this event is important because there could be other Marines out there who can corroborate or verify it.

    A call to the January 8, 2016 “Midnight in the Desert” radio program was put in by the mother of a Marine who had been a part of either a reconnaissance or retrieval mission regarding these hybrid containers. In the caller’s voice, it was quite apparent that she was nervous relaying the story. I would post the audio itself for you to hear, but copyright issues from Rowland Network prevent me from doing so.

    So, I’ve transcribed the call instead…

  • Commentary,  Ufology

    Hillary Clinton on UFOs

    A recent interview with Jimmy Kimmel shows that Hillary Clinton’s interest in UFOs are still a priority. Plus, she mentions the term “UAP,” which actually shows she’s already educated on the topic. (Thank you John Podesta.)

    The term UAP or “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” is something that former UFO investigator for the Ministry of Defence, Nick Pope, has referred to in the past. Apparently, it was a sneaky tactic that was employed in order to get around FOIA requests regarding the term “UFOs.”

    Also, take note of her response to former president Bill’s previous inquiry into the subject, which Kimmel had also asked him directly about in the past…

  • Commentary,  Ufology

    Art Bell’s Strange “Classified Classified” Caller

    It was supposed to be just another open lines night for the well-known talk show host, Art Bell, as he began another episode of his new show, “Midnight in the Desert” on the Dark Matter Radio Network. But things took a strange turn that Friday, July 31st, reminiscent of his older days hosting Coast to Coast AM. An anonymous caller masking his voice and identifying himself on Skype as “Classified Classified” came in just minutes before the end of the program.

  • Demonology,  Education,  Investigating,  Research

    An Interview with the Late Lou Gentile

    Though I never knew him personally, I came across a fascinating interview with the late Lou Gentile the other day. It was recorded in 2004 with a host named “James.” The conversation featured Gentile’s views on demonology, poltergeists, and general hauntings.

    Gentile was not only an HVAC professional by trade but also an experienced demonologist and radio talk show host by night. Here is his interview, along with some important points I took away from it, after the break…