Early Testimony is Key in Paranormal Reporting
The ability of the human mind to recollect events can be a powerful tool. It is also an inevitably faulty tool. This is why it’s critical for the investigator of high strangeness to acquire and document eyewitness testimony early on. The witness (and even the investigator) can become easily influenced by internal and external forces that alter the initial observation over time.
An example of this can be found in the varied descriptions of the infamous Mothman of Point Pleasant, WV from 1966-67.
People still don’t know about AATIP
Despite what most in the UFO field would like to believe, there is still a large group unfamiliar with AATIP—the U.S. government’s recently revealed UFO program. This was the main subject at this year’s 2018 MUFON International Symposium. For those of you who are part of that group, here is a link to catch you up to speed on the DoD’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.
And for those of you who ARE familiar, here’s a more recent article just for you. Yes you, my fellow UFO nut.
Dave Schrader The New Late Night Host
SUMMARY: Dave Schrader is the new host of Midnight in the Desert.
Let’s be honest, paranormal programming isn’t nearly as enjoyable after Art Bell left the radio waves for good. A lot of people complain that Midnight in the Desert (MITD) is less than stellar, and even less than bearable to listen to, after his “successor” Heather Wade took over full-time hosting duties.
With the sudden passing of Art and the recent departure of Wade, it seemed like the show was destined to fail once and for all.
Is there more to Travis Walton’s abduction?
The Travis Walton 1975 abduction case is one of the more remarkable cases in ufology for several reasons. (If you’re unfamiliar with the case, then start here.) But one of the reasons I’ve become fascinated with it is not for what we do know, but rather what we don’t know. At least not yet.
Most of the attention in the case has remained focused on the single evening of November 5, 1975, when Walton first went missing. And most people assume that that is all there is to the story. That it was simply a one and done event, which involved one man at the wrong place at the wrong time, who suddenly disappeared after encountering a UFO. Walton reemerged several days later to relate his extraordinary encounters with alien beings and humanoids who he believes attempted to revive him aboard a vast UFO.
But was it really the end (or the beginning) of his strange experiences?
Travis Walton speaks to an audience at Mainline MUFON on May 23, 2017. -
An Unknown in the Audience
In October of 2016, I conducted my first public lecture at a small metaphysical shop in Burlington, NJ called On Angel’s Wings. It was a joint Halloween presentation with my good friend Rosalyn Bown. She had been pushing me to do the lecture circuit for quite some time now, so of course, I naturally resisted, assuming my anxiety would get the better of me. And in the days leading up to the event, it was certainly brimming to the top.
But on the day of our talk, a sense of calm ensued that helped me to relax and enjoy the ninety minute conversation with a packed house that had come to hear us. It helped to have the environment resemble my living room, which reminded me of the monthly meet-ups I hold at my house for a select few to gather and talk about this sort of thing.
Overall the crowd was quite engaged during the entire talk, which was surprising to at least. Usually at other UFO conferences I’ve been to, at least half the crowd is dozing off or just looking uninterested. (And only one person fell asleep on us so I consider that a win; ha!)
Hillary Clinton on UFOs
A recent interview with Jimmy Kimmel shows that Hillary Clinton’s interest in UFOs are still a priority. Plus, she mentions the term “UAP,” which actually shows she’s already educated on the topic. (Thank you John Podesta.)
The term UAP or “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” is something that former UFO investigator for the Ministry of Defence, Nick Pope, has referred to in the past. Apparently, it was a sneaky tactic that was employed in order to get around FOIA requests regarding the term “UFOs.”
Also, take note of her response to former president Bill’s previous inquiry into the subject, which Kimmel had also asked him directly about in the past…
Art Bell’s Strange “Classified Classified” Caller
It was supposed to be just another open lines night for the well-known talk show host, Art Bell, as he began another episode of his new show, “Midnight in the Desert” on the Dark Matter Radio Network. But things took a strange turn that Friday, July 31st, reminiscent of his older days hosting Coast to Coast AM. An anonymous caller masking his voice and identifying himself on Skype as “Classified Classified” came in just minutes before the end of the program.