UFO Hearings in Washington
The UFO hearings in Washington continue! Here is the latest joint subcommittee hearing on UFOs (also known as UAPs) held on Nov. 13, 2024.
I highly recommend watching the entire thing or jumping ahead for about an hour to get to the good stuff. But if you’re pressed for time, here is a quick recap by 8 News Now (KLAS) out of Las Vegas.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Investigations
The newest episode of the Terra Signals podcast titled “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Investigations” features Marsha Barnhart and Paul Carr from the Aerial Phenomenon Investigations team (API).
API is a volunteer research organization for the scientific investigation of UAP or UFOs. Even though they have a skeptical bent, the current leadership is much more open than in years past and never sets out to debunk or belittle witnesses. In fact, API treats all witnesses with the utmost respect and confidentiality in all of their cases.
Considering that I have reached out to Marsha and Paul in the past to collaborate on cases and referred individuals to file a report, I thought they might make excellent guests for a Terra Signals episode. People often think of MUFON or NUFORC but sometimes aren’t aware that excellent independent researchers and smaller organizations also exist in this field. And I believe Marsha and Paul are some of the best investigators we have today.
But don’t take my word for it. The two of them talk about some of their more notable cases and methodology in the latest episode of Terra Signals. Listen to it on Spotify, or search for Terra Signals through your favorite podcast platform.
Here are some of the supporting images that accompany their interview…
The Peter Khoury Alien Abduction Case
The Peter Khoury alien abduction case is one that was recently called to my attention by Michael Brown, host of The Bunker podcast. It follows some of those classic patterns in alien abductions that most outside of the field aren’t aware of. Things like instruments used on the back of the head to cause abductees to blackout. Or, hooded figures during some of the visits. Or, telepathic communication between entities and abductees. Or, bystanders in the immediate area that are “switched off.” Or, perhaps the more disturbing sexual nature of these encounters themselves. But there are other things in this case that aren’t so common, like DNA evidence which could help to add credibility to it. Either way, I think you will find this one both fascinating and creepy. –Justin
Peter Khoury Peter Khoury, strange beings, abduction, and the evidence they left behind.
By Michael Brown
Contributor to Normal ParanormalPeter Khoury was born in Iran in 1964 and began having strange experiences in the early 1970s in Lebanon. While playing with cousins and friends he had his first encounter; at least the first one he can remember.
The children were playing outside when they decided to ascend to a rooftop they often played on. The exterior door to the roof was a large heavy metal door that was spring-loaded and would close on each person passing through the door. Frequenting this area to play, the children habitually knew to be ready to push open the door to pass through it but on this occasion, Peter noticed something different.
He noticed several children ahead of him who passed through the door without it swinging back. The door instead, remained open which struck him as odd. As he passed through the door, however, matters became even stranger. Peter then noticed his friends and cousins were all frozen in place and not moving a muscle. His first thought was since he was the last to make it to the rooftop that he was the butt of a joke. He decided to return the favor and began tickling his friends to force them to snap out of their self-imposed stasis. No matter how vigorously he tickled and teased his friends they remained in place, not even moving their eyes.
The Sixth Observable of UAP
When Luis “Lue” Elizondo worked for the AATIP program, he outlined five observables, which he noted as commonly associated with UFOs or UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena). But there is also a little known, sixth observable that Elizondo seldom mentions and his old team was more than reluctant to talk about.
The five basics include:
- Anti-Gravity Lift
- Or the ability to overcome the earth’s gravity with no visible means of propulsion. These objects also lack any flight surfaces on them, such as conventional wings.
- Sudden and Instantaneous Acceleration
- These objects can accelerate or change direction on a dime with a g-force that would generally crush a human pilot.
- Hypersonic Velocities without Signatures
- Conventional aircraft typically leave vapor trails or sonic booms when traveling faster than the speed of sound, but these objects do not.
- Low Observability or Cloaking
- The objects may be visible to the naked eye but are sometimes undetected through radar or other means. They can also blink in and out of view and sometimes even appear to alter their shape.
- Trans-Medium Travel
- Contrary to popular belief that these objects only fly in the earth’s atmosphere, they can also move quickly in and out of different environments, including outer space and water bodies.
And, the sixth observable—biological effects brought on by the phenomenon.
- Anti-Gravity Lift
UFO Over Denton, TX
An incredible UFO was filmed recently over Denton, TX. The eyewitness, Brad Bunt, originally posted that video, picked up by another more popular YouTube channel later on. Recently, I learned that The Sun also picked up the story, but left out a lot of crucial details surrounding it.
Fortunately, I had the privilege of speaking with Mr. Bunt by phone on July 19, and he shared with me the more extensive account involving his incredible sighting. For those of you who haven’t seen the footage yet, I encourage you to check it out as it is remarkable.
World UFO Day
July 2nd is now known as “World UFO Day.”
This unofficial day of observance has certainly gained traction lately as UFOs or UAPs or whatever the heck we call them nowadays enjoys a resurgence in popularity.
Thanks to mainstream media finally taking the subject seriously, as well as government and military folks setting the stage to allow this to happen, the subject is no longer reserved for just new-age kooks who long for the day when they can “return home” once again.
World UFO Day has taken on a much different meaning now.
But what is the purpose of it and why July 2nd?
Photographic Evidence of the Real Men in Black
Is there photographic evidence of the real Men in Black (MIB)? I get asked this question a lot. The short answer is quite possibly yes…but it’s very, very, very rare. Perhaps even rarer than a clear photo of everybody’s favorite furry humanoid—Bigfoot.
That being said, of the few examples of MIB caught on camera that do exist (or are considered more authentic than others), the backstories behind them are just as important. They allow us some additional insight into the MIB’s strange world and how they may operate. Yet these instances of catching the MIB on camera are still quite far and few in between.
And, fewer than most people on the Internet would have you believe.
Telly Savalas Ghostly Encounters and their Implications
This story centers around Telly Savalas (of Kojak fame) and a series of ghostly encounters he had beginning in the late 1950s.
To my knowledge, Savalas first publicly shared his experiences on a 1993 Australian TV show called The Extraordinary. After telling his story he died just a few months later in January of 1994. But the implications of this tale go beyond just him. Here is that segment…
From MIA at MSS to MIB at the BPE
Last year I did a presentation for the 2019 Mysteries of Space and Sky (MSS) conference in Gambrills, Maryland. It was organized by the gracious Dr. Peter Resta who holds these events each and every year. Although last year he wasn’t sure he was going to have one. After a little visit from “the MIB”…(or rather that Man Is Bamforth) he changed his mind.
Also at the conference was Anthony C. Hayes, a reporter for the Baltimore Post-Examiner. Much to my surprise, he was interested in learning more about the real Men in Black phenomenon as well as doing a story on it, so we arranged for an interview. I was quite impressed by the questions Mr. Hayes asked and I am pleased with how the article turned out.
The Stonehenge Incidents
By Michael Brown
Contributor to Normal ParanormalThe “Stonehenge incidents” were a group of UFO sightings that took place in and around the Stonehenge apartment building in January 1975 in North Hudson Park, located in North Bergen, New Jersey.
Strange lights in the sky, as well as a structured craft, were seen by multiple witnesses, the most notable being George O’Barski. George reported seeing a round craft approximately six feet tall and ringed with rectangular windows, which emitted multiple colored lights and made a low droning sound that he likened to a refrigerator starting up.
O’Barski observed the craft land in the park adjacent to the baseball field as nine to eleven small figures exited the craft. The figures were about three and a half feet tall in size. O’Barski thought the figures were simply children that wore helmets, gloves, and a dark-colored uniform. But each of the figures carried a small bag and a spoon or shovel that they used to collect soil samples from the park in the area where the craft had landed.
After several minutes, a ramp opened up below the craft and the small figures used this to re-enter it. The craft then took off heading north towards the park’s lake area.