High Strangeness Over the High Seas
There are new interviews with Cmdr. David Fravor about his encounters with anomalous craft out over the Pacific Ocean in 2004. If you’re not familiar with Cmdr. Fravor, you’ve probably heard about the event he was involved with, more commonly referred to as the “Tic Tac” UFO/UAP sighting.
The recent interviews with Fravor were conducted at UFO Fest on May 18, 2019, in McMinnville, Oregon. They were given by investigative journalist George Knapp and documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell.
The 1966 Edinburg, TX Incident
I recently learned of a bizarre incident involving eight construction workers and a UFO just north of Edinburg, Texas in the fall of 1966, thanks to UFO investigator and author Noe Torres.
It was about midnight when the eight men were supposedly digging gravel out of a pit near Farm to Market Rd. 490, approximately four miles west of Highway 281. They suddenly noticed a UFO at close proximity above them.
Presumably, out of fear they reacted in a hostile way, possibly even shooting at the object, which shot a “beam of fire” at them. The energy weapon decimated their construction equipment, two pickup trucks, and a small RV. The men escaped, but their entire camp was destroyed.
The “Stranges” of Valiant Thor
“Are you Strange?”
Frank rolls his eyes and replies, “Here we go again. No, it’s Strang-es.“
Prior to seeing Dr. Frank E. Stranges deliver a presentation (courtesy of this Roku channel, from what I believe was 1991) I really didn’t know much about him. The only thing I knew of Dr. Stranges (not to be confused with Dr. Strange) was his 1967 book, “Stranger at the Pentagon.”
In that book, Stranges outlined his very own personal encounters with a human-looking, extraterrestrial (a Venusian to be exact) named Valiant Thor. He was, and possibly still is, walking among us and supposedly within the halls of government, too.
Black Triangle Sighting in Iowa
A report was sent to me of a large triangle or possibly diamond-shaped object, which was spotted recently in Iowa on January 25,
2019 at approximately 9:30 pm CT…The witness and her mother were driving from Des Moines to Indianola on Highway 69 at the time when they saw a black, extremely large craft with “three porthole lights” on its bottom. The craft was approximately 500 feet above them gliding along slowly. The witness said that the craft even stopped or hovered at one point during the sighting.
Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers
In case you hadn’t heard, Jeremy Corbell is the new investigative filmmaker on the block with his latest film, Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers.
Regardless of what you think of the Bob Lazar story in general, this new documentary on him is certainly worth the watch. There’s no denying that Corbell is revisiting some of the most bizarre stories on the UFO landscape and presenting them to a new audience that may not be as familiar. If you haven’t seen Corbell’s film, Hunt for the Skinwalker you also need to add that to your playlist too.
But just like Hunt for the Skinwalker, it seems that people either love his latest film or hate it.
Going to the Source of the Strangeness
Recently, I did an interview for the API Case Files Podcast with its host, Marsha Barnhart. In the interview, we talk about my research into the Men in Black and other areas of high strangeness, which I chronicle in my book “The Spectrum.”
Click here for the full podcast interview.
Marsha was someone I initially contacted about a 2008-09 case that she investigated for the Aerial Phenomena Investigations (API) team. Even though it’s a multifaceted case, it’s probably best known for containing surveillance footage of two purported Men in Black (MIB) entering a hotel lobby in search of the manager at the heart of the case.
The clip showing these MIB caught on camera went viral soon after both Coast to Coast AM and BuzzFeed picked up on API’s case report.
Are UFOs Truly Extraterrestrial?
Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is back in the spotlight after undergoing cancer treatment. He recently appeared on KNPR to talk politics, but more importantly, his involvement with the secret UFO program that made national headlines back in 2017.
According to the article…
While most of what Reid weighed in on was politics, he also addressed the funding of research into military sightings of unidentified flying objects. Reid had helped to direct money to that research.
“I think it is something we can’t ignore,” he said, “I personally don’t know if there exist little green men places. I kind of doubt that, but I do believe the information we have indicates we should do a lot more study.”
He said there are eyewitness accounts from hundreds of people, including military pilots, of unexplained objects moving through the air all in the same way.
Reid said he is working with a member of Congress to create a place for military pilots to report what they see without fear of reprisals.
Source: “Harry Reid: Renewed But Ready to Rumble?” KNPR’s State of Nevada on Nevada Public Radio. -
The “Project Blue Book” TV Series
Check out the trailer for History’s new TV series “Project Blue Book” and tell me you don’t excited…
History’s new “Project Blue Book” TV series trailer for Comic-Con. Wow.
I think this might satisfy my craving for a little…at least until “The X-Files” returns. Eventually. Sometime. Hopefully.
A Mini UFO Flap in New Jersey?
Happy 2019 para-pals! The past year has certainly been an interesting one in the world of the strange. One thing in particular that kept me engaged were all the UFO reports I began to receive from New Jersey in 2018.
…including one bizarre Men in Black encounter two weeks after my lecture on, well, that very same subject…
At one point, I began to think there was a sort of “mini UFO flap” going on in the area, especially in South Jersey. Sure, it wasn’t nearly as impressive as the 2008 Bucks County, Pennsylvania UFO flap that occurred nearby ten years prior, but there were still an interesting number of cases, which Patch reported on recently.
Fifty-one to be exact. (Hold the Area 51 jokes please.)
People still don’t know about AATIP
Despite what most in the UFO field would like to believe, there is still a large group unfamiliar with AATIP—the U.S. government’s recently revealed UFO program. This was the main subject at this year’s 2018 MUFON International Symposium. For those of you who are part of that group, here is a link to catch you up to speed on the DoD’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.
And for those of you who ARE familiar, here’s a more recent article just for you. Yes you, my fellow UFO nut.